Choosing the Right Felony Law Firm

Felony Law Firm Springfield, MO

A felony law firm specializes in defending people charged with serious crimes. The term “felony” is still used in the United States to describe any crime carrying a penalty of one year or more in prison. A felony offense usually means the police coming to arrest the suspect. An arrested person has the right to a lawyer. If you cannot afford one, the State is obliged to provide one.

Being arrested for a felony

Whatever the charge, the suspect will be brought under arrest to the police station. The individual may be placed in handcuffs at the discretion of the arresting officers. After being booked into the station, the suspect will be placed in the cells. The suspect will be permitted a phone call, which should be used to contact family and arrange a felony lawyer. The person may then be waiting several hours, possibly overnight, in the cells. In most places and for most offenses, a suspect cannot be held for more than 24 hours without being formally charged.

Police interviews and interrogation

A suspect has the right to a felony lawyer present while being interviewed by the police. A felony lawyer can advise what to say and when to say nothing at all. They are there to uphold the legal rights of the suspect. The lawyer works for the person, not for the police.

The suspect’s lawyer is the right person to speak to openly to explain what happened and present any mitigating circumstances. The police will often begin with the heaviest charges they can apply. A felony lawyer’s job includes arguing the charges down to less serious offenses. Felonies are serious crimes, including but not limited to:

  • Aggravated assault
  • Animal cruelty
  • Arson
  • Blackmail
  • Burglary
  • Forgery, fraud & identity theft
  • Possession, manufacture, sale, or distribution of Schedule 1 & 2 drugs
  • Kidnapping
  • Homicide in the 1st & 2nd degree
  • Sexual assault
  • Treason
  • Vandalism of federal property

In some jurisdictions, driving under the influence of alcohol can be a felony. Injuring another person or causing significant property damage can raise a DUI to a felony.

What a felony law firm can do

Besides helping speak to the police, a felony attorney will assist with arranging bail to get the suspect released. Without this help, the suspect may find themselves held in jail until their trial date. A felony attorney will consult with the client before trial and attend with them on the day in court. The attorney will do most of the talking to the judge, with the exception of direct questions on the witness stand. From the initial arrest to final sentencing, the attorney will argue for reduced charges and lighter penalties.

Find a felony law firm to help you

Having the right felony law firm representing you can mean the difference between walking free versus serving jail time. Anyone facing felony charges of any kind needs the help of a felony attorney. A suspect is innocent until proven guilty, and an attorney is there to protect their rights. Having an attorney is part of due process, a basic legal right that every person in police custody needs to access.

For more information visit our website at or to schedule a consultation with us, call our Springfield office at (417) 865-2181. Call Dean Price Law today. NOTE: This is for informational purposes only and does not constitute legal advice.

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