Springfield Lawyer

Murder ChargesSpringfield, MO

Murder charges come in different degrees depending on the level of premeditation involved in the crime.

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    It is very important to know that murder convictions in the state of Missouri carry the threat of capital punishment as a penalty. Other penalties may be less severe, but still include significant prison time.

    A murder case is unlike anything else in the criminal justice system.

    The difference doesn’t just come from the emotional stakes and the possibility of death row for the defendant. The entire process, from the time charges are first filed, all the way through to verdict and sentencing, can be confusing, emotional, and difficult for all involved. The attitudes and motivations of the prosecutor and law enforcement officers attached to the case are different than in other cases. In short, it is absolutely vital that anyone facing murder charges gets a lawyer with experience.

    In this situation, you’re not looking for the guy who has handled a few felony defenses in his time. You need a lawyer with substantial experience in representing defendants in murder cases. You want someone who is ready and able to handle a capital case.

    Dean Price has handled dozens of murder cases. He has successfully tried six capital murder cases, keeping all of his clients off of death row. With more than 20 years spent as a defense attorney, Dean Price approaches every case with the perspective of a criminal defense lawyer, looking to find the best possible outcome for his client.

    With Dean in your corner, you have someone who is passionate about the importance of providing every defendant with the best possible representation. Let him put that concern and care into action for you.

    When it comes to murder charges, the stakes are too high to do anything other find the best, most experienced lawyer to defend you. Dean Price has the background and the knowledge to give you the representation you need and deserve. Contact our office today to set up your first consultation.