Victim Representation

Victim RepresentationSpringfield, MO

Victim’s rights are an important part of the law that have yet to receive a great deal of attention.

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The Missouri Constitution makes mention of victim’s rights, and the state includes a statutory scheme as to what the victim has the right to be informed of, when they can talk to a judge, their right to be represented, and what input they may have in a case. While some counties do have victim’s advocacy offices, this is far from universal.

Many times, the victims of crime have the all-too-true impression that no one out there is specifically looking out for their interests. The prosecution actually represents the interests of the public or the state, and the law enforcement officers heading the investigation may not share the same goals as the victim. Frustration with the investigation and trial can drive victims to seek out someone who can represent them as the case proceeds.

Increasingly, the Office of Dean Price has helped victims of crimes by representing them during the trial and investigation. Often referred by the lawyers representing the defendants in the case, Dean Price has helped many victims stay informed about the case and exercise their own rights before the court.

If you are the victim of a crime and are looking for help in exercising your rights under Missouri law, contact the Office of Dean Price. We can help you ensure that you are heard and that you have someone who understands your interests on your side.